Thursday, April 19, 2007


I don't know anyone who's going to have a baby anytime soon. Nor do I know anyone who has a newborn. I'm not pregnant. And yet, I have been knitting cute little cotton caps, infant-sized. I made a yellow one with a green tie, a green one with a yellow tie (gave that one away), and am halfway through a blue one--haven't figured out what color tie it will get. Then I'll make a multicolored one with the leftovers from the skeins.

An unrelated weird thing: Yesterday when our Hospice home health aide showed up, she said "Nice rabbit," in her cute Ukrainian accent. "Rabbit?" we said "Nadia, are you OK?" We looked outside, and sure enough there was a black-and-white rabbit in the driveway, wiggling his nose. I spent a half hour chasing him, stalking him, trying to lure him with a carrot, but he eluded me. Finally, after trying in vain to get him to come out from under my car, I gave up and left the carrot, went inside and nearly forgot about him. Late in the afternoon, he came back--no doubt to see if the magic car would dispense more fresh produce. I got another large carrot, held it out for him, and nabbed him when he got close enough for a chomp. We kept him overnight in a cat carrier, filled him up with spinach, carrot, banana, and compressed pellets of alfalfa, and watched him do cute little bunny things. Now he's on his way to BUNS, a rabbit rescue place out in Goleta. Rabbits are captivating. If we didn't already have one cat and two parrots, I'd have lobbied the hunky scientist to take him home and make him a house bunny.

Mom is having a hard time today. She's not really aware, and she's breathing very heavily (kind of moaning on each exhale) despite doses of morphine and ativan. We're taking turns sitting with her.

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