Sunday, July 13, 2008

Oy vey. That is all.

Really. It's just been an oy vey last couple of weeks. The Hunky Scientist is taking his sick foot into his primary care physician on Friday. I didn't tell you about his sick foot. It's been festering for a few weeks now, and (a) he could not solve it himself using a needle and a bunch of hydrogen peroxide; also (b) it finally started bothering him enough that he decided to seek real medical help. Thank the pantheon. Work has been too worky for my liking. Way too much tedious stuff-I-can-d0-sleeping and not enough challenge. I love my job, but I've grown into it. I love my boss, but she's gotten so harried she may just leave before I do. And my department, though wonderful, is not what it used to be (reason my boss is harried). Promotions have been rumored for a while, but have not materialized. I'm hoping this will all be resolved this calendar year. If not, I'm going to have to start job-searching within my company. Lastly, we decided this last week to rent my mother's house to my niece and her pal, who'll share it with my older brother. The girls are starting college and need somewhere reasonable to stay while they look for work and get themselves settled into living on their own for the first time in their lives. I'm all for this and glad we have the place to offer and the means to offer it to them on the cheap. However: it means that for the first time ever, I am homeless in my own home town. Oy.

On a lighter note, I've posted anew (brief, but worth reading) in Loretta Cooks. See link at right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry about the mister's foot! Is this going to interfere with his plans for the SF (half-)Marathon? I hope not!