Thursday, July 03, 2008

Don't pick up

OK, my first cranky-ranty post. One thing that really yanks my chain is when I call someone and they pick up the phone just long enough to tell me they can't talk. They're on the train, or they're with friends, or they have someone else on the other line, but they can' t talk with me now. And rather than just let the call go to voice mail, they somehow feel the need to interrupt whatever they're doing or whatever convo they're having just to say, basically, "I don't have time for you." (This has happened to me about a zillion times just this month, so if you're a culprit don't think this blog has been written just for you. It's for everyone I know.) Every time it happens, I hang up the phone and think "OK, why did they even pick up?" And If I'm meeting with a friend and they actually pick up the phone and say "I can't talk with you, I'm with a friend," I always think crankier-than-Ms.-Manners thoughts.

So, for those of you who know me, if I show up in your caller ID, and you don't have time to talk, you have my permission to let my call go to voice mail. That's why it's there, after all. It's much more pleasant to leave a message and think of nice future chats than to hear "Hi! Sorry, I can't talk right now." Can't talk right now? Then don't talk right now. 'Nuff said.

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