THS has the ability to get up 15 minutes before he needs to leave the house and be dressed and ready with five minutes to spare. He doesn't even need caffeine. This amazes me. I'm so not capable of that. I need a minimum of 90 minutes: 30 to get up and make coffee; 30 to stumble around sipping the coffee and waiting for the synapse ports to re-align; and 30 to get dressed and get my things together. THS learned a while ago that if I'm rushed out of the house in the morning, it's best that he does the driving.
Sudden Topic Change Alert! This week I learned how to knit cables. This makes me very pleased and smug, but also kind of skeeves me out because now I'm really one of those women who knit. It's one thing if you get down stockinette stitch and whap out a few scarves. It's even OK if you throw in some moss-stitch edging and move along to caps or little things for babies. But learn to cable and you've truly gone over. I'm afraid that's what's happened to me. I've grown rather obsessed with knitting, and this puts me in the awkward position of wanting to knit something for everyone I know. If I were you, I'd be nervous. So here's the deal: If I ever make you something that you feel you need to hide and only wear when you know you'll be seeing me (at your house and not in public), you have my permission to give it back and ask me to never do that again.
Another new experience this week: I took a Pilates class yesterday. It was grand. I felt very tall and centered and strong and graceful for an hour afterward, and then I was just flipping SORE all over for the next 12 hours. And tonight I went to the gym to meet my trainer and he put me through one of the harder workouts of my go-meet-the-trainer career. It was brutal. Right now I feel like reanimated day-old roadkill. I believe I will need more than the required minimum amount of time to get up and moving tomorrow morning.