Friday, February 26, 2010

My job as I know it: Gone.

My position, my fellow supervisors' positions, my managers' positions, and those of half our direct reports have been eliminated. New positions have been created. There'll be a closed application process where anyone in our department can apply for the newly opened positions. Our applications will be screened and we'll either be interviewed or given 60 days' notice. The screening process is the rub: We can apply for as many of the new positions as we are interested in. Whether we will be found suitable to interview for any of them is the question. We will receive detailed job descriptions for the new positions on Monday. I'll be looking them over with an extremely critical eye, and continuing to cast my gaze on other opportunities within my company. I'd like to stay there, if I can, either in marketing or elsewhere. Otherwise it's a modest severance package and a boot in the back. We'll see what's to come.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tomorrow is R-Day (reorg day)

Tomorrow (Thursday) at 9 a.m. our VP will tell us just what she's been cooking up. And we'll be able to decide whether we'll need tasters to sip the broth. Stay tuned.